Free learning on with Microimplants

Our platform offers an extensive selection of free and paid training courses for dental professionals seeking to expand their knowledge of orthodontic treatment protocols with microimplants. Our courses cover a broad range of topics, including treatment with IZC and BS microimplants, microimplants with aligners and braces, distalization, mesialization, treatment of impacted teeth, intrusion and extrusion, treatment of gummy smile, and much more.

Our training courses are tailored to meet the needs of specialists looking to stay abreast of the latest orthodontic treatment protocols with microimplants. Our esteemed lecturers are renowned experts in the field, including Sadao Sato, Marco Rosa, Chris Chang, Kleber Meireles, Giorgio Fiorelli, Benedict Wilmes, Marisa Santos, Peter Csiki, David Suarez Quintanilla, Patricia Vergara, Sergio Sambataro, Roberto Luis Velasquez Torres, Francesco Garino, John K. Kaku, and many others.

Dentists can access free and paid training courses related to microimplant treatment protocols on our platform. Our courses cover various aspects of treatment, including treatment in mixed and permanent dentition, treatment with aligners and self-ligating brackets, treatment of open bite, crossbite, distal bite, mesial bite, and more.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge. Register for our training courses today and elevate your orthodontic practice to new heights!