Online Courses, Lessons, and Webinars on 3D Printing

We extend a warm welcome to our esteemed website, which serves as a central platform for dental professionals and technicians to explore an extensive range of training courses covering the latest advancements in 3D printing, 3D printers in dentistry, and Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology.

Our offerings comprise both free and paid webinars on a diverse range of topics pertaining to 3D printing. These topics include CEREC, designing on Exocad and 3Shape, digital modeling, 3D treatment planning, and much more.

Our courses are instructed by world-renowned speakers such as August De Oliveira, Tudor Todea, and several other elite experts in the 3D printing field. These esteemed instructors bring their wealth of knowledge and experience to help you perfect the latest techniques and keep abreast of the latest developments.

Whether you are seeking to learn the fundamentals of 3D printing or enhance your existing expertise, our website offers something for everyone. Our courses cover an extensive range of subjects, from the basics of CAD/CAM to advanced topics such as designing intricate dental restorations, digital smile design, and implant planning.

We are confident that our courses will enable you to elevate your skills to the next level and achieve your professional goals. Whether you are a seasoned dental professional or just embarking on your career, we invite you to explore our website today and discover the world of 3D printing in dentistry.