1. Study from our database of free lessons

Yes, it's that simple. OHI-S platform offers over 150 free lessons in all branches of dentistry, and you can start right now.

2. Earn points by rating and reviewing our lessons

This is a great opportunity to watch exclusive paid lessons for free. Even if you only watch free courses, don't forget to rate them. You earn points in your account for each lesson you rate, and you can use these points to access any paid lessons on the platform.

We've already talked about the importance of rating our lessons in this article. Check it out; there's an interesting video of your favorite lecturers.

3. Become an OHI-S Dentistry Expert

We offer every dentist the opportunity to showcase their expertise on OHI-S platform and record video reviews for any course they've taken. If you've already watched our lessons and are ready to share your feedback, email us at info@ohi-s.com with the subject "I want to be an expert". We'll get in touch with you and help you record your first video review. In the future, you can choose any courses that interests you and watch them for free with a subsequent video review.

4. Follow us on social media

First, we regularly hold contests with tickets to conferences in the most beautiful cities in the world. Second, there are many great case studies from our lecturers there. Just make your social media feed more useful with OHI-S.

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