Уход за имплантатами: как продлить срок службы реставраций на имплантатах - одной чистки недостаточно! Часть 2
52 $
available 2 days 07:28:05
Lesson is included in the next courses:
Lesson program
– Долгосрочная поддерживающая терапия
– Подробный протокол профессиональной гигиены полости рта: инструменты, материалы, техники
– Клиническая эпидемиология для максимизации вероятности успеха имплантологического ортопедического лечения
– Оценка риска возникновения периимплантита – новая оценка риска для использования в клинической практике для прогнозирования возникновения периимплантита
– Управление риском возникновения периимплантита
– Нехирургические методы лечения периимплантитов
– Прогнозирование неблагоприятных результатов при периимплантитах
– Поддерживающая терапия скуловых и экстрамаксилярных имплантатов
– Разбор клинических случаев.
Need to consult a training expert?
Lecturers (1 persons)
Miguel de Araújo Nobre is Head of the MALO CLINIC Research & Development Department since 2002, also being Head of the Oral Hygiene Department at the Lisbon clinic since the same date. Graduated in Oral Hygiene by the ISAVE – Institute of Higher Education of Alto Ave – and with a Master degree in Epidemiology by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon, Miguel de Araújo Nobrejoined the MALO CLINIC team in 1999.Being a key reference speaker in Implant Maintenance, Miguel de Araújo Nobrehas presented in several national and international trainings and conferences under this topic. His also author and co-author of over 50 scientific articles, as well as clinicalarticles and book chapters in Oral Rehabilitation and Implantology.
Malo Clinic
20-years track record of All-on-4 Rehabilitation Cases, 800 Cases/year in average.
93 peer-review scientifically articles published and 44 R&D currently ongoing projects.
Dedicated team and over 60 clinicians involved in R&D activities.
A multidisciplinary team with undisputable know-how, and experience in training & education activities.