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Vertical dimension of occlusion

4.78 (18 votes)

69 $

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What’s included:
1h 14min
1 CE Credits (ADA CERP)
Access to the record for 180 days

Lesson program

– How do we know when should we increase VDO and how much?

– Vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO)

– Increasing VOD in excessive tooth wear

– Full mouth reconstruction and TMD

– 1-1,3-2-3 relation in increasing VDO

– What is the dentoalveolar compensation

– The effect of raising VDO on the cervical spine and pain in the trigeminal nerve nuclei

– Cephalometric analysis of the cervical spine (analysis of intervertebral spaces and the cranio-cervical angle) and the position of the hyoid bone – crucial for achieving muscle balance and making it possible to raise occlusion successfully

– Basic photo protocol for aesthetic planning

– Establishing the height of the deprogrammer platform using a modified DSD protocol

– DSD in patients with significant tooth abrasion (teeth not visible when patient smiles). How to establish the right aesthetics at the preliminary stage

– VDO checklist – if you follow this you can increase the VDO as much as you need.


Recommended for: Prosthodontists, Functional dentists.

Skills I will learn in the course

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Lecturers (1 persons)

A member of the Polish Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.
An international lecturer and founder of Master Level courses.

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