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От Клин Чека к клинической реальности лечения элайнерами

4.60 (20 votes)

69 $

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What’s included:
1h 57min
Access to the record for 180 days

Lesson program

– Планирование лечение: клин-чек, рекомендации и подсказки 

– Исправление разворота клыка с использованием элайнеров 

– Методика коррекции саггитальной щели 

– Особенности использования эластических тяг: рекомендации 

– Использование миниимплантатов: показания 

– Планирование лечения у пациентов c заболеваниями ВНЧС 

– Разблокировка нижней челюсти: методика 

– Силовые валики: показания и преимущества 

– Дополнительные элайнеры: показания 

– Протоколы G5 и G8: характеристика, сравнение и клинические подсказки 

– Пародонтологические ограничения: рекомендации при работе 

– Коммуникация пациент-ортодонт-ортопед.

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Lecturers (1 persons)

Degree in Dental Medicine by Instituto Superior Ciência Saúde - Norte.

Postgraduate Course in Oral Surgery Advanced by the Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of La Habana, Faculty of Stomatology; Havana, Cuba.

Postgraduate degree in orthodontics, Instituto Superior Ciência da Saúde - Norte.

Clinical Residency in Advanced Orthodontics at the University of Michigan, USA.

Master Damon, Madrid, Spain.

Certified by Invisalign since 2014.

Master Invisalign, Madrid, Spain.

DSD Residency with Dr. Christian Coachman, São Paulo, Brazil.

Invited Professor of the Master's Degree in Orthodontics, Instituto Superior de Ciências Saúde - Norte.

Invited Professor in the Advanced Techniques of Orthodontics Course, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto.

Professor at the Postgraduate Course in Orthodontics at the Institute of Health Sciences - North.

Co-founder and teacher at Master Aligner and Master Aligner Online Academy.

Speaker at Congresses; StudyClubs and Invisalign Certification Courses in Portugal.

Exclusive practice in orthodontics.

Clinical Speaker Invisalign since 2017.

President of the Portuguese Society of Dental Aligners.

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