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Monochromatic and polychromatic layering techniques. From material selection to finishing and polishing

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69 $

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What’s included:
1h 22min
1.25 CE Credits (ADA CERP)
Access to the record for 180 days

Lesson program

– Functional and aesthetic direct composite restorations:

- Occlusion

- Pre-restorative treatment - Clear Aligner Therapy (CAT).

– Indication, treatment planning, resin composite selection, and instrument selection: 

- Indications and contra-indications for direct composite restorations

- Intraoral analysis and treatment planning (golden ratio for esthetic restorations)

- Pre-restorative resin infiltration (ICON) option

- Selection of resin-based composite material (poly-shade composites, simply-shade composites, single-shade universal composites, and flowable composites)

- Selection of instruments for isolation and composite layering (rubber-dam instruments, specific anterior restoration spatulas, and composite brushes).

– Shade Analysis – Rubber-dam Isolation – Preparation – Adhesion: 

- Clinical shade selection techniques for resin-based composite materials (visual, dental photography, cross-polarization photography, quantitative image processing)

- Clinical rubber-dam isolation protocols for anterior restorations

- Minimally invasive preparation (bur types and selection) for crown fractures and full veneers.

– Monochromatic and Polychromatic Layering Techniques: 

- Free-hand layering

- Layering with special matrix bands

- Layering with palatal templates (silicone index).

– Finishing & Surface Texturing & Polishing:

- Material selection

- Primary, secondary, and tertiary morphologies

- Additive and subtractive finishing techniques

- Surface texturing

- Clinical application protocols.

Recommended for: Restorers, General dentists.

Skills I will learn in the course

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Lecturers (1 persons)

Associate Professor, DDS, Ph.D. Author of many national and international scientific publications about direct and indirect restorations, pre-restorative treatments, clinical dental photography, tooth wear, and caries diagnosis and management. One of the key opinion leaders for 7 different international dental companies including GC Corp, Tokuyama, Kerr Dental, Dentsply Sirona, Hu-Friedy, Ultradent Products, and Polydentia, and also one of the brand ambassadors of SONY Türkiye.

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