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Введение в Миофункциональную Постуральную Реабилитацию (MPR)

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Lesson program

– Цели курса

– Миофункциональная Постуральная Реабилитация (M.P.R.)

– Височно-нижнечелюстной сустав и осанка

– Что такое ВНЧС

– Черепно-лицевая система

– Важность положения нижней челюсти

– Положение челюсти и осанка

– Общие изменения положения челюсти

– Комплексная диагностика

– Междисциплинарное сотрудничество

– Остеопатия и физиотерапия

– Междисциплинарное лечение

– Депрограммирование черепно-лицевой системы

– Разбор клинических случаев.

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Lecturers (1 persons)

Silverio Di Rocca has completed his Graduation in Dentistry and Post-graduation in Functional Orthopaedics from University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has also done a degree in Dentistry and Prosthetic at the University of Turin, Italy and a Doctorate in Dentistry and Prosthetic at University of Turin, Italy. He is the Director of the MPR International School, Vice President, International Representative and Founder of API Swiss (International Association of Posturology, Switzerland). He is also a Professor in Amocoac Diplomate in Mexico and COMEI, College of Dentistry in Mexico, Associate Professor in ICOM (International College of Osteopathic Medicine) Milan, Italy and an International Honorary Member of AMOCOAC.

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