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Statically determinate mechanics. Basic principles

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69 $

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What’s included:
2h 7min
2 CE Credits (ADA CERP)
Access to the record for 180 days

Lesson program

– Statically defined mechanics: force measurement

– Application of cantilever: mechanics design

– Absolutely constant units of forces

– The concept of qualitative constancy

– Arch selection: rules and recommendations

– The problem of using circular arcs

– Configurations and direction of force

– Activation of cantilevers: technique

– Combined cantilevers: mechanics

– Combination of activation in different directions

– Cantilever support design

– Two vector mechanics: mathematical justification.

Recommended for: Orthodontis, General dentist.

Skills I will learn in the course

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Lecturers (1 persons)

Creator of the software T3do and DMA for Orthodontic treatment planning and mechanics design.

Dr. Fiorelli obtained his medical, dental, and orthodontic postgraduate degrees at the University of Siena in Italy.

He has also co-published with Prof. Birte Melsen the “Biomechanics in Orthodontics” multimedia software.

His main professional interests are orthodontic biomechanics, use of computers within the orthodontic practice, segmented arch technique and adult orthodontic treatment.

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