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Конгресс эстетической стоматологии в Милане: Сложные случаи в эстетической стоматологии

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313 $

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6 lessons  (7h 51min)
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Lecturers (3 persons)

Graduated with a degree in dentistry from the Technological University of Mexico (UNITEC) with major grants.

He continued his postgraduate studies in operative and aesthetic dentistry, earning a master’s degree from the International University of Catalonia (UIC) in Barcelona, Spain.

Member of Styleitaliano.

He has developed and currently is developing various materials and instruments for aesthetic dentistry and photography in collaboration with international companies.

Author and coauthor of many publications in international journal.

Graduated from the Poznan University of Medical Sciences in 2008 and since 2010 have worked as the Principal Dentist at private practice in Torun, central Poland.

In 2017 he started the Success Stairs Microscope Dentistry Facebook group that concentrates on Microscope based restorative dentistry and how to apply the Success Stairs sequence to our daily practice.

Make his living providing restorative dentistry in general practice.

He passionate about predictable dentistry and believe that photography has a huge part to play in this. As part of his courses he shows dentists how to take photographs that highlight the beauty of their work and help them market their skills to other patient.

Active Member of the Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (A.I.O.P.) and of International Academy of Digital Dental Medicine (I.A.D.D.M.).

He is also an Active Member of the Italian Academy of Osseointegration (I.A.O.) and affiliate member of European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (E.A.E.D.).

He received his Dentistry Degree with honours from Bari University in 1989. He completed a Post-Graduate Adhesive Aesthetic Prosthodontics Programme at Siena University in 2003.

He completed a Prosthodontics Programme at Bari University, where he also taught and was also involved in teaching activities at the Post-graduate Master Courses of Bari, Naples and Rome Universities.

Has written articles for national and international journals.

Combines clinical practice with teaching activities, with a focus on advanced refresher courses on aesthetic prosthodontics, removable dentures and implant-supported restorations.

Works in an associate private practice in Bari, with a specific focus on prosthodontics.

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