
Олег Пономарев


Lecturer's courses 4

My specialties and subspecialties


General information


About me

Совладелец учебно-клинического центра PerfectSmile СПб РФ.

Врач стоматолог-хирург.

Закончил СПб ГМУ в 2002 году, ординатура в МАПО, далее ведущий хирург-имплантолог во многих клиниках города.

Окончил магистерский курс проф. И. Урбана в Будапеште.

Область профессионального интереса - пластика мягких и костных тканей.

Graduated from the Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University in 2002, completed residency in St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies, have become the leading implantologist in many clinics of the city.

Completed a master's degree of prof. Urban in Budapest.

Currently is the co-owner of the PerfectSmile clinical training center in St Petersburg.

His area of professional interest is soft and bone tissue plastics.

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