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A peg-shaped tooth is the most common anomaly in tooth shape. The patient, a 16-year-old young man, complained about his peg-shaped lateral incisors. The patient is dissatisfied with his smile, especially the anomaly of tooth 2.2. Since the patient and his family came to the city only for treatment, it must be completed in one visit. Considering the patient's age, the choice was made for direct composite restoration without preparation. A night guard is recommended for the patient.

Key points of dental aesthetics at the Dental Aesthetics webinar.

Figure 1. Initial view of the patient's smile.

Figure 2. Original side view of the smile. Peg lateral incisor.

Figure 3. Wax-up on a plaster model.

Figure 4. A silicone key prepared from the wax-up.

spike-like tooth
Figure 5. A rubber dam installed using the split-dam technique and teeth cleaned with pumice.

Figure 1. The tooth was etched for 1 minute without preparation. Adhesive applied.

Figure 7. The palatal wall was recreated using a flowable composite and a silicone key. A transparent contour matrix was installed.

Figure 8. The proximal walls were recreated with a body shade composite using matrices.

Figure 9. Body shade composite applied vestibularly, mamelons recreated.

Figure 10. Enamel layer of composite applied.

Figure 11. Initial rough processing.

Figure 12. Correct anatomical shape achieved, finishing and polishing done. Remaining diastemas, large embrasures restored with body composite to achieve the desired appearance.

Figure 13. The new smile of a happy patient immediately after treatment. All restorations were made in one visit.

Peg-shaped teeth

Peg-shaped teeth are a fairly common occurrence that we encounter. Orthodontic treatment alone is not sufficient in such cases. There are many methods to restore the shape of the tooth. Some of them can damage soft tissues. In minimally invasive dentistry, we prefer direct restorations, which usually allow treatment in a single visit without preparation.

About the techniques for correcting tooth shape anomalies in the webinar Matrix Strategies: Simplifying the Process of Creating Composite Veneers.